The sad case of public figure, criminal, stalker and drug addict Karen Latimer of Houston, TX

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INX aka Karen Latimer of Houston, Texas (criminal, stalker, cyber bully and con artist)This individual’s probation officer can be contacted at 832-927-8500 (press 0 for the operator and provide the birthdate 07.01.1960).

Inx or Inxcessor or inxcessofx01 (aka Karen Latimer of Houston, Tx) frequents IRL streamers chat rooms and on occasion creates clips of the streamers in effort to stalk, harass and/or intimidate them. Inx is said to reside in the Houston, Texas area and as of February 2023 has made legally actionable threats in the criminal Rick Bastuba’s chat room to stalk targets of Bastuba and vandalism the target’s vehicle.

Inx is rumored to have intensely stalked Gia Lovely and her parents before she died.

As of 2023 solid evidence of Inx calling and texting the elderly parents of her targets was attained.

Karen Latimer appears to suffer from a form of mental illness and likely is autistic to an extent. She doesn’t seem to have any concept of personal boundaries. Though her targets may block her on social media and via phone and text, Latimer will continue to attempt to contact her targets from a series of “burner phone numbers” and alternate social media accounts. Latimer’s documented activity at this stage is legally definable as Stalking and Harassment By Communication.

Inx appears to be in support of (and possibly in communication with) the criminal Donald Carlos Seoane aka Donny Long.

Inx has been witnessed on comment threads habitually slandering her targets by falsely labeling them “paranoid” or “mentally ill”.

In August of 2023 it was revealed that Inx is extensively racist and refers to her targets who are Black and/or African American as “niggers”.

As of February 20, 2024 Karen Latimer publicly joined the live panel of a convicted stalker, alcoholic and racist known as William Brace aka Goodtimes4life and clearly stated that she would “support” and defend him. Later that afternoon Latimer engaged in electronic harassment by sending unsolicited texts to a family member of one of Brace’s targets. Latimer’s Harris County Texas probation officer has been notified of this incident.

As of February 2024 it appears Karen Latimer has relapsed and is utilizing illegal substances. One of her illegal drug suppliers appears to be her associate (who she’s been seen promoting on YouTube) Amber Dawn Hall aka @awrench99 of Yuma, AZ. Hall has been arrested for utilizing methamphetamine. Latimer has publicly stated that she’s received illegal substances through the mail from many live streamers.

Karen Latimer routinely (and obsessively) calls her targets from multiple anonymous phone numbers and if her targets speak to her she records the phone calls without their consent for blackmail and extortion purposes.

Karen Latimer contacts the targets she stalks from the following phone numbers: 786-677-6606 , 832-652-4489, 832-735-8195, 580-207-4906, 409-205-0732, 615-547-2631