Meet one of the men IRL streamer Tommy James walked away from sobriety for: CustomOG aka the criminal Daniel Ippolito

Here’s some clips and information the general public might find “interesting” in regards to “The Unbreaded Podcast” – a podcast that the ginger rapper known as Tommy James often joins the panel of while intoxicated and/or high…

1. Below is a clip of the podcast using racial slurs in a subversive way to get away with saying them:

2. Another clip of CustomOG (Daniel Ippolito) passively threatening Alexandra Mayers (a woman who tried to help Tommy James get clean of drugs in late 2022):

3. Link to Court Documents showing a Family Court request that Daniel Ippolito not be around children:
Katrina Trask is Daniel’s “girlfriend” and they fled from Arizona to California ni 2017 to delay Court proceedings; then COVID hit…
Daniel is not known on Sex Offender Registries; the request to the Court was made by the Children’s Biological Father, James Trask.
It should also be noted that California is where is co-host American Stonehenge/Stonehenge420 (“Jakes”) is from; he may have offered to help them…

4. CustomOG admits to being seriously mentally ill:

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5. CustomOG’S rap sheet and mugshot
