Nicola Santoro aka OG Geezer aka OG Magestic Lion shares his plans for his gun. PUBLIC FIGURE Nicola Santoro aka OG Geezer aka OG Magestic Lion shares his plans for his gun. Considering hi history of making extremely hateful statements against African Americans and Blacks (who he calls “joggers” and the N-word) it is highly advised that People of Color in (and outside of)…

The Stop Speeding situation – is it time to apply Involuntary Treatment law?

If anyone cares, it’s time to step in. He appears to be a danger to himself and potentially others…and without a doubt he’s incapable of seeing the reality of what OG Geezer aka OG Magestic Lion is. Subscribe to the situation here: and here:

An update for the IP2 IRL community in regards to OG Geezer being suspended from the IP2 WIKI

Unfortunately since the launch of , though the ip2community as a whole was invited to participate in the project, a few bad apples have already spoiled the bunch - namely og Geezer aka og magestic lion and apparently his friend (or associate) James Worley. The morning of august 14,…