Landon Tells is consistently entertaining - “so I can cheese it? Like I can make it into a cheese...” - make sure to subscribe to his YouTube channel to receive notifications for his nightly recaps. Zobeezy might have his issues (don’t we all?) but there’s no denying he shares his authentic opinions when it comes to certain IRL streamers’ BS.
Gone are the days of having to submit yourself to fraternity style hazing or a “casting couch” in order to get noticed as an up and coming IRL live streamer. Just contact through Twitter @AlexMayersLive or on Instagram @AlexandraMayers01 if you’d like to be featured on IRL News Time and…
Scuffed Marky Mark aka Skimask Andy shares his thoughts on top IRL recapper Landon Tells after unjustly copyright striking Landon’s primary streaming platform. The tension between Skimask and Landon is growing by the day... is the IRL world big enough for both of them? It’s a battle of the blondes.