MC Frosty is an amazing musician, but there's a lot more to him... His open discussion today on the occult while presenting Michael Tsarion's "ATLANTIS, ALIEN VISITATION & GENETIC MANIPULATION" was both educational and enjoyable. If you enjoy the type of subject matter covered by the likes of "Ancient Aliens"…
Corinne is so awesome and is a testament as to why more MATURE WOMEN need to pick up IRL STREAMING as a means to spread awareness to the world when it comes to issues that matter and effect us ALL. FOLLOW CORINNE FOREVER ON TWITTER @CorinneNow
They say how one treats their pets is how they’d treat their children... considering Baked Alaska’s EXTREME level of narcissism (which DOES make for some entertaining CONTONT on occasion), maybe Dope District or Chicken Andy should take on the responsibility of procuring Baked’s future dates - because he’s not capable…
Landon Tells is consistently entertaining - “so I can cheese it? Like I can make it into a cheese...” - make sure to subscribe to his YouTube channel to receive notifications for his nightly recaps.