Unfortunately since the launch of ip2.info , though the ip2community as a whole was invited to participate in the project, a few bad apples have already spoiled the bunch - namely og Geezer aka og magestic lion and apparently his friend (or associate) James Worley. The morning of august 14,…
In the wee hours of the morning on July 24th, 2021 - irl super streamer MC Frosty surprised his viewers with an impromptu live musical performance direct from his home studio in Canada. MC Frosty IRL & live studio sessions: https://youtube.com/c/MCFrosty00
Irl streamer, artist and musician Lil P.O.H. explains that though he’s grateful to his supporters and donators, he doesn’t want a “handout” - instead he wants a loan.
OH MATE finally transitions from IRL on Discord to IRL on YouTube! Check out these highlights from a walk around his neck of the woods. https://youtube.com/c/OhMate Subscribe to his channel to chat!