Beware of dating IP2 affiliated IRL streamers who fail to abide by pandemic protocol and who meet with high STD risk transsexual sex workers – meet Young Cheeto

Health and Safety Alert

Sure seems rather insane that a nearly 40 year old man (who’s wife is pregnant) recently met an 18 year old boy at a motel (in the midst of a pandemic) to coerce him into hiring a high STD risk transsexual prostitute… That’s the reality of IP2 streamers.

In this episode of Alexandra discusses a trend she’s noticed in regards to IP2 IRL streamers such as Young Cheeto utilizing prostitutes for “content” and why it’s a dangerous idea (not only for the streamer, but anyone they may be intimately dating).

In addition Alexandra reminds young IRL streamers that the pandemic is not yet over and that they need to take precautions to protect their health (along with the health of others).

It is advised you use extreme caution when dating men who enjoy sexual encounters with high std risk individuals.