Landon Tells promotes the WIKI on his live stream: “Get with the times, or get left behind”

Irl recapper Landon Tells’ viewership has been on the steady decline for months now, but not because IRL or IP2 is dying – to the contrary…it’s because IRL is expanding & evolving … in other words it’s steadily changing with the times – and unfortunately the rapid change isn’t something Landon’s audience can keep up with or find palatable (which is why his audience has diminished almost as quickly as it flourished).

As figures such as Landon take their exit, new streamers quickly take their place – and ultimately draw in larger younger audiences with money to burn…

You’ve had a good run Landon and the WIKI team salutes your IRL recap stream’s upcoming conclusion. Thank you for promoting and endorsing the WIKI on what was likely one of your final live podcasts. T

he wiki is a key to the future of IP2 linked IRL streaming.
