What the small minded & short sighted oppressive posters on IP2always.win are saying about IP2.info


Imagine trash talking, downplaying or even attempting to squelch an idea or project simply because the person who got the idea or project up and running isn’t your gender and doesn’t have a skin color similar to your own…

Well that seems to be the mentality of the IP2always.win forum as of late… (It’s important to note the fact that this particular forum bans the African American women they slander & defame from creating posts to defend themselves.)

The President of IP2 Attila (a white male) had the idea to create a comprehensive WIKI revolving around IP2 for several months prior to collaborating with Alexandra. In fact, he’d started one on Fandom that unfortunately was disabled.

All Alexandra (a Black female) decided to do was develop Attila’s idea on a domain she’d registered but later decided not to use due to electing to give IP2 a chance AFTER learning that the IP2 President is a nice person. To be continued…
