An update for the IP2 IRL community in regards to OG Geezer being suspended from the IP2 WIKI

Unfortunately since the launch of , though the ip2community as a whole was invited to participate in the project, a few bad apples have already spoiled the bunch – namely og Geezer aka og magestic lion and apparently his friend (or associate) James Worley.

The morning of august 14, 2021 og Geezer vandalized a large percentage of the wiki pages by posting inaccurate claims about the irl community and individual IRL streamers, blatant defamation against other irl streamers, photographs of dead and or physically harmed babies and photographs of decapitated women of color. It has long been speculated that og Geezer is mentally ill.

As of current he, worely and a multitude of user accounts they appear to have created have been disabled and OG is in suspended from participating in the project until September 1st (at which time he will be given 1 final chance to conduct himself ethically before further actions are taken against him). is set to be a historical database and educational resource for the ever growing and evolving irl community. Questions? You may contact Attila (the IP2 President) or his friend Alexandra.