Reformed Stoic – a commentary, a book review and more aliases than we’ll ever likely know

Alexandra Mayers shares her commentary on an IRL streamer known as Reformed Stoic (who appears to have attempted to utilize extortion tactics upon a group he perceives as his enemy, and who seems to have the goal of attaining a 19 year old Onlyfans girlfriend).

Exactly how many aliases & personas does RACIST Reformed Stoic aka Jake Shields aka Rally have?

Alexandra Mayers shares an in depth review, analysis and author commentary on the book “Drumming As Philosphy” – written by Jake Shields aka the racist IRL streamer Reformed Stoic aka the rapper Rally.
It’s important to note that Shields aka Reformed Stoic’s words, actions and behavior are the direct result of (even into adulthood) the owner and operator of Alaska 1 Realty – public figure Grant Shields.